This is a common question in MCA oral exams.
‘What documents would you find onboard to comply with MARPOL Annex IV?’
It’s an easy one to answer, but for once the answer is not a certificate.
Relevant M-notices and documents: MS (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships) regulations 2020, MARPOL Annex V regulation 10, MSN 1807
MARPOL Annex V (Garbage) applies to all ships of any type whatsoever operating in the marine environment, from merchant ships to fixed or floating platforms to non-commercial ships like pleasure crafts and yachts unless expressly provided otherwise.
The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships) regulations 2020 apply to UK ships wherever they may be and to non-UK flagged ships in UK waters. Warships, troop carriers and ships on non-commercial government service are exempt.
So what are the documents?
Every ship of 12m or over must display garbage discharge requirement placards.
Every ship of 100GT or more, or which carries 15 or more persons, must carry a garbage management plan.
Every ship of 400GT or more, or which carries 15 or more persons on international voyages, must carry a Garbage Record Book in the format specified in the regulations.
The same ships which must carry a Garbage Record Book must get receipts on landing garbage to shore facilities (often called garbage receipts, waste receipts). These are kept for at least two years.
MCA inspectors would reasonably expect garbage discharge regulation placards to be located in the galley (usually on the bulkhead near the macerator) and on the bridge, as well as in crew/passenger dining areas.
Garbage management plans are usually incorporated into a vessels SMS.
Garbage record books are available from The Stationary Office on behalf of the MCA.
The best way to learn the entries to be made in the garbage record book is by having a leaf through one. The following must be recorded:
Any discharge over the side (deliberate or accidental)
Any landing of garbage to a shore facility
Any incineration
Each entry should include the location (lat/long, or a quay/port name), time (UTC), category of garbage (if mixed, the higher category is used), estimated volume in cubic meters, and a signature of the responsible officer.
We’ll go into the details of MARPOL Special Areas, discharge criteria etc. in another article.
Where would you expect to find the garbage discharge requirements posted on your ship, and in what format?
What documents does a 600GT ship need to carry to comply with MARPOL Annex V?
What entries are made in the garbage record book?
How long would you keep records of garbage receipts? Can they be in an electronic format?