Relevant documents and M-notices: MARPOL, MGN 381, MGN 386, MGN 400, MSN 1819
This is the most recent amendment to MARPOL; it became part of MARPOL in 2008 and entered into force in the UK in 2010 as the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) Regulations 2008. These apply to UK ships wherever they are, and non-UK ships in UK waters. The main aim of this legislation is to reduce overall emissions from ships by increasing energy efficiency.
Some definitions
ODS - Ozone depleting substances
NOx - Nitrous Oxides
SOx - Sulphur Oxides
VOC - Volatile Organis Compounds
Vessels of 400GT and over are subject to the following surveys:
Initial survey before the ship is put into service
Annual surveys, on each anniversary
Intermediate surveys, on the 2nd/3rd anniversary
Renewal survey before the five-year expiry of the certificate
Additional surveys following any repair or change of system.
These surveys will lead to the issue or endorsement of an IAPP (International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate) for vessels engaged in international voyages. This certificate is issued once the vessel is in compliance with Annex VI. Survey and issue of certification may be done by class or flag but final approval rests with flag. For vessels not engaged in international voyages, a UKAPP (United Kingdom Air Pollution Prevention Certificate) will be issued.
At the initial survey for the IAPPC the surveyor will examine the SEEMP (Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management Plan). This contains procedures to make the vessel as efficient as possible.
Once this has been deemed adequate, the vessel is assigned an EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index). This lays out minimum efficiency levels based on age and design.
The way to think of these documents is that the SEEMP is the plan for how you will reach the standards set by the EEDI.
Once the SEEMP is implemented and the EEDI is complied with, the vessel is issued with an IEEC (International Energy Efficiency Certificate). This is issued by flag but may be delegated to class. It is valid for the life of the ship, unless she undergoes a major conversion, is withdrawn from service or changes flag state.
Ozone depleting substances
The deliberate emission of ozone depleting substances is forbidden by regulation 20.
NOx, and engines over 130kW
Under Regulation 13 of Annex VI, emission controls apply to all engines over 130kW (except those designed to be used only in an emergency). They cannot produce more than a set level of NOx emissions.
Engine technical file
Each engine over 130kW must have an engine technical file. This is normally provided by the manufacturer.
EIAPP (Engine International Air Pollution Prevention) certificate
This is required for every engine over 130kW. It is issued by the manufacturer or by class and is valid for the life of the engine, subject to surveys.
Engines of over 130kW are subject to a 3-tier system. Tier 1 produce the most NOx, tier 3 produce the least NOx. In special areas, engines must be tier 3.