The MCA are likely to ask questions on this, especially just following its implementation. It’s always good to be aware of legislative changes, new requirements and implementation schedules; it shows that you’re aware of what’s happening in the industry. In the weeks prior to your MCA oral exam you should be checking MAIB reports and international shipping news; my last oral exam was a few days after a high profile collision in the North Sea and the examiner and I spent a few minutes discussing that.
Relevant documents: SOLAS II-1/3-8, IMO MSC.1/Circ.1175/Circ.1620/Circ.1619, MIN 704
The basics
Amendments to SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-8 came into effect on the 1st of Jan 2024
This introduces new requirements and guidelines for the strength, arrangement, inspection and maintenance of towing and mooring equipment
What will be required and when will it be checked?
Management plans for inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment onboard. These will be inspected during the first Cargo Ship Safety Construction or Passenger Ship Safety Certificate inspection of 2024
What must the management plan contain?
Records of the original design concept, equipment, arrangement and specifications should be retained on board through the life cycle of the ship
Procedures for mooring operations
Procedures for inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment including mooring lines, with intervals specified in the maintenance plan
Records of inspections and maintenance to be kept as specified in the SMS, but at least until the next annual survey
Procedures for the identification and control of mooring lines, including linking them to manufacturers certificates
What does this mean/how to comply?
Firstly, identification and control of mooring lines will mean individual serial numbers. This will likely be on a tag attached to the mooring line, or on a label sewn in - similar to on a lifting strop. Alternatively something like cable ties (i.e. three red) may be used to link a link to its certificate.
Bollards, fairleads, rollers and mooring winches must be clearly marked, with limitations made obvious.
Records of inspection will likely look similar to a lifting register.
The vessels SMS will need updated to accommodate this legislative change.
The intervals between inspections will be based on manufacturers recommendations, and will take into account intensity/frequency of use, storage etc.
When did the new legislation on mooring equipment come into force?
When does your ship need to comply?
Tell me how mooring lines are marked on your ship and how you keep records of inspection?
Do you need to have a mooring plan?
How would you find the mooring arrangement for your ship?